the only problem sony are having with 2.4 is the xmb but trophies are no doubt ready by now. its are a fairly simple feature to implement it hardly requiers much for them to be unlocked in-game as long as devs have the feature put into their game.
i wish that sony would just release trophies now and then next month (which is when they will release 2.4) release a perfect fully working in game xmb. trophies will keep us happy until then rather that having to wait another month to get bothat once.
but sony wont do this so which of the 2 features of the 2.4 patch are you looking forward to most?
i want trophies. i only have like 6 friends and i never get messages, i would like the music in game providing sony have found a way around microsofts patient but most game soundtracks are pretty good these days. i want trophies because it might finally make me want to finish folklore and replay all of my old games that will support trophies. i have a 360 and as stupid as gamescores are for some reason i still want to get them, i got prey with it and i HATE the game yet i still play it to get the points. if the ps3 had this it would add so much more play time to all my games which would be brilliant.
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