Far cry 2 or Resistance 2?
They are both sequells and i wanna know which game you think is better.
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My god, Resistance 2 absolutely murders the living crap out of Far Cry 2. Seriously, it does. Absolutely ****ing kills it. It's so much better I actually can't believe it. The Ubisoft noobs are literally bowing to Insomniac as we speak. Floppy_Jim
:lol: Murders the living crap .. :lol:
My god, Resistance 2 absolutely murders the living crap out of Far Cry 2. Seriously, it does. Absolutely ****ing kills it. It's so much better I actually can't believe it. The Ubisoft noobs are literally bowing to Insomniac as we speak. Floppy_Jim
Haven't played either, but this speaks volumes.
Resistance 2 wins by default. I dont own FC2avataraang1
The two greatest words in the english language .. De fault, de fault .. :lol:
Far Cry 2 for me, easily.
I love exploring and playing in the beautiful Africa setting, taking missions at my leisure, and how the fire effects, day/night cycle and weather effects change gameplay. The game just has a gritty feel to it, leaving you out in the wilderness to fight for survival. All of this really immerses you in its world like no other shooter.
Some people hate how long it takes to travel from objective to objective, but I personally don't want to magically teleport to every mission. The game does have a humongous world to explore, and that's what the devs. are trying to get you to do - explore it, and take your time.
Another complaint most have against it is how you get randomly attacked while exploring, which to me is a necessary evil, if you will, because if nobody ever attacked you, where would half of the game's action come from? With no enemies outside of missions, things would get awfully boring.
I also hear lots of complaints about how the game feels, particularly the shooting. While it may not feel as solid as, say, CoD, I have no problems pulling of head shots or killing foes. Keep in mind, though, I'm playing it on the PC where control is far better and more precise.
All in all, Far Cry 2 tries to take things in a different direction. In a genre where it's so easy to create yet another corridor or linear shooter, Far Cry 2 tries to change it up. Maybe it failed in some ways, but that's only because the ambition was high. Games like CoD and Resistance, while great games, don't fail as much, frankly, because they don't strive to be much different. They use the same tried-and-true formula that just about every other shooter does.
Far Cry 2 has its own unique ideas and way of doing things, and while it may not be perfect in every area, it easily outdoes all of the other shooters for me, personally.
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