Edit: At least read this paragraph before voting. It seems that a lot of people have been voting without reading first, so I'll give a short summary for you guys. This is the most important point that should be taken into consideration before voting: I am unfamiliar to ALL 3of these series. I have never played a game from any of these series before, but I do own MGS1 (I just never got around to beating it) and I have played Oblivion and liked it, which I assume is similar to Fallout. Now, since New Vegas' and Bioshock 2's storiesare separate from the other games in their series (I'm not interested in minor references or backstory), it's not an issue for those games, but if, after reading this, you are still going to vote for MGS4, should I wait for the MGS collection (which comes with 2,3, and Peace Walker) so I can own the whole series since I already have MGS1, or is it ok to just read about it on the internet? Thanks.
So my local store is having a big clearance of games $20 or less, and I figured I would get one while waiting for the games that I want to come out, such as Uncharted 3 and Skyrim. Anyway, 3 games they are selling interest me, but I'm not going to get all 3 because there are a lot of games that I want that are coming out during the rest of the year, and I don't want to spend too much time and money on videogames. So the 3 games are MGS4 (Yes, I know, I know, I haven't played the "greatest game of all time!!!!" yet), Bioshock 2, and Fallout: New Vegas. Here's my thoughts on all 3 so far.
MGS4: It got a bunch of perfect scores and many people say it's the best PS3 game. However, a lot of people complain that the story is too complicated, and if you haven't played the previous MGS games, you're going to be lost and the long cutscenes will mean nothing to you. I haven't played any MGS game before except like a bit of the first one (I had it on my PS1 and got up to the first boss, I think, then never got around to finishing it.) So if playing the previous games is really that important, I might hold off on MGS4, beat the first one on my PS1, then wait for the MGS collection (which will come with games 2, 3, and Peace Walker) so then if I get MGS4, I'll have the whole series. Or I could just read up on the previous games' plots on Wikipedia or something. What do you guys think? Oh yeah, I've also tried the demo for MGS4, but didn't really like it. However, I have heard people saying that it's a poor representation of the final game, and I also tried the Peace Walker demo on my PSP, which IDID enjoy.
Fallout: New Vegas: Fallout 3 was a major competitor with MGS4 for GOTY 2008, and many chose Fallout 3. However, New Vegas got lower scores generally because of all the glitches and because people felt it was more of the same, probably because it had the same outdated graphics/engine and the same issues as Fallout 3.Well, since I haven't played Fallout 3 or any Fallout game, for that matter, this won't be too much of an issue. I have played Oblivion, though, and loved it. So other than that, I'm assuming that New Vegas is better? I've heard it has a better story and gameplay options, plus the game's been out for a while now. The glitches must have been patched, right?
Bioshock 2: The original Bioshock, again, received many GOTY awards for 2008 (the 360 version, since the PS3 version came out one year later) and was also stated by many to be their favourite game this generation. The general consensus seems to be that while Bioshock 2 definitely has better gameplay, people liked the original more because they'd already explored Rapture, so it wasn't as mysterious or exciting. Well, again, I have never played Bioshock 1 before! Also, Bioshock Infinite looks really cool, and I heard that the PS3 version of it will include Bioshock 1. So, if I got that later and Bioshock 2 now, I could have the whole series. Also, I tried the Bioshock 1 demo and liked the story and atmosphere, but the controls felt too loose, and there were no options to change the sensitivity, so I ended up missing a lot of my shots, especially with the revolver. Is this fixed in Bioshock 2, or are there at least options for it?
So what do you guys think?
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