Heading to the store to buy a PS3 40GB and was wondering which game to pick up with it.
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Uncharted is definitely the first experience you'll want to get with your PS3. According to many people on this website, including me,its the best looking console game to date. Besides that, the game is outstanding, has great characters, a great story, tight, fun, polished gameplay, and a summer blockbuster movie feel to boot. The most fun I've had with a singleplayer game to date. Not enough good things can be said about this game. Its easily my GOTY.
I agree, Uncharted is definitley the best lookin and one of the best games on the PS3. Its a good game to get first, but if i was gonna get something i would hav waited for UT3.
its a mix-up between Heavenly Sword or Uncharted:Drakes Fortune. Both have amazing stories and beautifully visuals. Get Uncharted tho its a bit longer maybe by 2-3 hours depending how you play. Â
Non, because no one is using more then 30% of Cells power. Final Fantasy XIII is going to have the best graphics. SE keeps telling that they have reached FF the movie quality and so far they are keeping it secret, so it must be something huge if it's still a secret.kazuya_mlol...it's only using 4 spe's too...so still not all the power xD
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