street fighter IV is very tempting, but I still say Killzone 2. I didn't like the demo of LOTR at all, i thought it was boring and it felt like a PS2 game to me.
i'll go for Killzone 2, it looks awesome... Street fighter looks great too, but i'm not into fighting games and so as racers lately... while LOTR, it didn't caught my interest, idk... maybe i wasn't impressed.
While I'm sure Killzone 2 will be a fun romp, I don't think it will bring anything new to the table in the genre and seeing as how the demo was pretty mediocre the LOTR game is a rental at best, so that leaves Street Fighter 4.
Street Fighter IV. I love the Street Fighter series, but the Alpha series and Third Strike are the only ones I can play now. I don't think the older ones have aged as well. It's about time we got a new one.
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