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The new 80GB PS3's don't play PS2 games. The new ones don't have SD Card slots and have 2 USB ports instead of 4 USB ports, which isn't great either. You'll probably want a PS3 with a CECHA, CECHC, or CECHE or model number. That means either a PS3 Motorstorm Bundle (CECHE), PS3 Metal Gear Solid 4 Bundle (Comes with a Dualshock 3 controller instead of a Sixaxis, so it has the "rumble" feature and is a little more heavy -- CECHE), or a 60GB Playstation 3 (CECHA or CECHC). They don't produce them anymore though, but you can still find the older 80GB systems selling in some stores. Otherwise you may have to use like EBay or something to get one, or you may just have to buy one of the newer 80GB or 160GB systems if you want to buy from a store.
Since, you have PS2 PS1 games, i recommend the 80 gb, 40GB olny reads PS3 games, and 60 Gb plays some PS2 and PS1 games. The 80GB can read most of the PS2 games, im not sure about PS1.jdiamnz69
Sorry dude, but your wrong.
Note that all PS3 can play PS1 games. And only the one's indicated with (R) are available at retailers, the others you would have to get from ebay or craigslist or something.
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