I'm waiting for the Crisis Core, but I would really like to get something to play now.. I really wanted to get Valkyrie Profile, but I can't find it anywhere here in Finland for a good price. :-( Anyways, I found these 3 games for a good price (they all cost the same), so which one should I get? - Monster Hunter Freedom - Breath of Fire 3 - Key of Heaven (Kingdom of Paradise) I already know which is best rated (at gamespot, ign etc.), but I would like to hear an opinion from you users too. =) Ps. Sorry for my english. >.> Edit: Added poll! =]
Breath of Fire 3 looked pretty good. But here in the states we can't get it. But out of those monster hunter and breath of fire. and if where u live they have tales of eternia then get it. I heard that game was really good
If you only have enogh for one i would personally wait for crisis core. But you'll probably have your money saved up again by then. I dunno though im not too thorough in those games but breath of fire 3 would be my bet.
I recommend Legend of Heroes: A Tale of Vermilion - One of the best games I have ever played. I am halfway through my second play-through, first was a few years ago, and I have the other two waiting for when I'm done - LOH II and III (as released in the U.S.).
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