which tv is best for playing my ps3 since i think 720p is better but my frined says he actually say a comparison between the 720p and 1080i and he said the 1080i blew it away also can i get a specific name of a tv with 1080i that has lcd
which tv is best for playing my ps3 since i think 720p is better but my frined says he actually say a comparison between the 720p and 1080i and he said the 1080i blew it away also can i get a specific name of a tv with 1080i that has lcdnarutotheboss20
well if i had the choice between them i would choose neither and save up my money some more and then buy a 1080p tv. Also make sure that when you buy the tv you make sure that it has a very high contrast ratio. You will be able to tell which one has a high contrast ratio and which one doesnt because the picture will look so much more sharp. The tv that i have right now that im playing my playstation on is a 42 inch 1080p tv with a 36,000 contrast ratio. You would want anything thats 25,000 and above.
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