the videos are supa impressive. i love the graphics, they give me this whole iron giant/war of the world(modern version)/sky captain vibe. i love it. everyone else is like, garrr it should look "gritty like gears" im so sick of every game trying to gritty.
the gameplay look super immersive.
the weapons look much better (like the bullseye shows who locked on to through walls!) and the new weapons provide even more awesome strategies.
the co-op looks very very very fun. 8-players!! WOOT!
and the online has impressed me more than i expected. i was expecting to see a crap load of people on the screen just mayhem. but it seems very well balanced. from the looks of the videos, it almost has this campaign feel to the competitive modes. the maps are so large and you keep getting multiple objectives during the battles so you have to keep navigating this MASSIVE map and its like you're exploring and fighitng at the same time. has this very epic war thing going for it that i like very much. the competitive mode seems, i dunno, adventurous?
for instance, during the gameplay footage, a commander's voice kept relaying objective over a codec type thing you could here, the point would show up on the map, so you and your squad would have to rush through the city through building, streets, construction sites etc. to find the ovjective and the battle to capture it, and once that was done the commander was okay now go here and do this now! and you'd have to go rushing (probably running into enemies constantly) towards another area. this differentiates itself from games like cod4 because the maps are easy to memorize and strategize on (like in headquaters mode you always know where the enemies may be or where theyre running from to its easy to just spam some stun grenades to slow them down), but this game has such big maps and so its going to take people much longer to master them, if thats even possible.
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