or it could be that we just personally see no use for it. in the time it prolly takes for u to send a cross game chat invite to each of ur friends and talk to all ur friends to organize a party u cud of made one message asking who wud like to join ur party and sent that one message to multiple people. simple enuff right? if i can do that then cross game chat is really not all that more useful. i feel the only reason people DO want it is because xbox live has it and we dont which just seems like a foolish reason.
You would have to go through and read everyones reply (if they didn't put it in the subject) and then possibly have to write another message
It is just time consuming and unnecessary
Plus if you were to quit or leave the game, you wouldn't still be able to talk to them
its time consuming and unecessary because u want it to be when in fact its no more time consuming or as "unecessary" as cross game chat. and if a person quits the game y wud u need to continue talking to them rather then the people ur playing the actual game with? if we get this feature then fine thats another feature added to the PS3 for the people like u guys who seem to really want it but i wish people wud stop acting like its such an extremely convenient feature to have when it really wudnt make much of a diffrence.
Have you used it on XBL?
If you gamed with your real life friends then it is a great feature
What if I'm playing MW2 with 6 people and we all get disconnected? Then we start spamming each other with invites and nobody joins (this has actually happened)
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