[QUOTE="_Classic_Gamer_"][QUOTE="GARRYTH"]i have never got so angry at video games until they decided to add on-line. any one here get so mad you swear constantly.
like when your top player but your still losing by 30 points because your team can't kill any one except them self's. lol i tell them they stink.
i also hate the warhawk campers because some of them are so good they make the game unbalance the ones that if you get in a tank or a jeep your dead in sec.
i was getting destroyed last night because my team never backed me up. i get so mad i yell at my team.
now I'm mad and my wife is now mad because i yell so loud and swear to much. so them i yell at her. lol on-line disrupts my house hold.
It's people like you who ruin video games, especially online. You take them way too seriously and ruin all the fun. You're probably one of those people who kick people from a game just because their stats or ranks aren't very high.
I don't think that's true at all. Some people have an extremely competitive spirit, such as myself. I hate losing no matter what I do, and I think anyone that says they haven't been mad at a video game is lying.
Being competitive and taking it way too seriously are two completely different things. I'm competitive aswell, but it's never taken too far. If I lose, who cares? It's just a game. Nothing is at stake. So why bother getting mad? You learn from losing and adapt. Yelling over a mic because the people you're playing with that isn't "playing for you" is just plain stupid.
I get ircked about glitchers/cheaters, team killers and if the game is poorly programmed. But if nobody is playing as a team or "covering me", who cares? I'll just play for myself. Some days, I'm almost god like online. Other days, I just flat out suck. So what? It happens. If you can't take it, then you shouldn't be playing with others at all.
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