[QUOTE="CronoSquall"]As the price drops, so drops the IQ of the average person playing games online with it, cold hard fact.shaunchgo
Best comment I've ever seen on this site. I agree with it 100%.
Why? How's it cold hard fact and you agree100%? Poorer people are rude and the middle class aren't? Kids are idiots but all adults are sensible? No sweeping geheralisation, especially one that patronising AND ambiguous, can claim to be fact. it may be that the mic issue has a bearing but that apart I've been abused/heard nonsense from people of many nationalities and from english people who sound like they come from different social classes and age groups. Perhaps , though, as the number of mics increases on PSN we'll come across it more often but who's to say that it'll just be those who've only now afforded a system rather than those who have been there before but have just got a headset now?
I guess, though, that the bigger a community becomes the more idiots will exist and they just tend to be loudest and more noticable and as things grow they become less "self policing and regulating"-hence the need for mods on most forums.
It's deffo got more common though and I find myself using my old usb socom headset and its mute button when not playing with friends these days.
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