it gets hate cause if it doesnt change the formula, then its automatically mediocre (by people i wouldnt trust to wash my car)
in reality it is a very good looking game (best looking console game ive played), with good handling, great AI (they arent ********* and most of the time they act believably), a passable story (its easly forgettable, tempting me to skip it at times), and pretty open for a single player mainly experience. its nothing new or revolutionary, but it is by no means bad, good is prehaps the biggest insult i could sling.
^ You speak the truth... I don't hate the game, but it isn't a 9/10 game... Going in, I was thinking of a game along the lines of Fallout, based on it's reviews. But that is not what I got, instead I got a game where you interact with Cpu characters for the sole reason of receiving quests. I finished the game and didn't have an atom of care for any of the characters that I had just spent 10 hours of time with... And this leads to my main problem with this game... Rage is so f'n disjointed.You do 3 things in this game: 1. Run through a town, talk to a CPU to get a quest. *load screen* 2. Drive to area of quest, in a vehicle segment which plays great...but doesn't make sense. The only open world aspect of the game is the driving...but this "open world" has nothing in it to see... The only thing that happens here is that you get constantly ambushed by CPU enemies who chase you as long as you're in their kill zone, and then they just let up. Basically you can boost through these zones and never actually have to do any car combat... Which again, doesn't make sense, since it's clearly suppose to be a large part of the game. Anyways, 3. enter a cave/building/base, walk down corridors fighting CPUs, which sounds boring...but this is where Rage comes into it's own. The gunplay is awesome...
I give this game a 8/10, 5 points of that is just for it's gunplay, the other 3 for the polish.
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