I just noticed, that so many great games are plain underrated, due to big titles like resistance retribution and god of war chains of olympus.
Pursuit Force + Pursuit Force extreme justice are two of the most unnoticed titles i've ever seen. No one seems to know about them, yet they are great games/
Flatout Head-On + ATV Offroad Fury Pro are probably two of the best racing games on the psp, yet unless someone sees them in the store, they don't know about them.
Seriously people, why are these good games so underrated? It's as if they were never created. I have God of War COO and really, it's a good game, but i just don't see what the fuss is all about. Good graphics don't make a good game, God of war was ever so short and it lacked multiplayer and any replay value, resistance retribution is not even worth mentioning and metal gear solid portable ops is a great game, but somehow it feels unfinished and incomplete.
Open your eyes people, so much good stuff around you is going to waste.
Flatout Head-on has a demo on psn so check it out.
Im not some dude getting paid to say this, this is my personal opinion.
Hello RESISTANCE_kid. I just want to point out that you are being hypocritical for saying "resistance retribution is not even worth mentioning" I remember when you started posting in this forum in October. Here i will help refresh your memory. Oct 26, 2009 12:56 am GMT "So i love rr, play it every day, but i have an issue that really bugs me. In the inventory section of the pause menu, you have a list of all your weapons. I also have the r3 knuckle duster knife, but in game i can't equip it. Anyone have any idea on how t use it?" Here is another thread that you started as well which might have slipped your mind. Resistance Retribution game of the year ... Oct 24, 2009 2:43 am GMT "Will rr make it?" I can understand your point about some games being under rated. that does not mean games that are good as well need to be bashed, when you yourself was a fan of it in the past. I opened my eyes. wish it was closed though before i started reading this thread. I see your point. In my mind, rr was the most amazing game i've ever played, that is until it got repetitive, annoying and just felt rushed. I loved the game when i first played it and despised it after. I just didn't mention it.
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