[QUOTE="calvinx6"][QUOTE="torontomapleafs"][QUOTE="calvinx6"][QUOTE="julianwelton"][QUOTE="calvinx6"] - [QUOTE="Franconomicon"][QUOTE="DaThWa"]
Buzz Brain bender
Spider Man Web of Shadows October 1
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep 2009
Dissidia: Final Fantasy December
Valhalla knights 2 September 23
Star Wars the force unleashed 01/09/08
Mytran Wars september
Resistance Retribution spring 2009
Need for speed undercover
Patapon 2
Want free Games pm me !
I Agree with you, 2008 is one of the best year for PSP, people want tons of garbage games like in DS.
I want quality, and for that reason I bought a PSP and not a DS.
That a weak list DS have 4 of those game on that list, Look at DS List for the year: All Exclusive to DS
- Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
- Dragon Ball: Origins
- Pokemon Platinum
- Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
- Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
- Star Wars The Clone Wars: Jedi Alliance
- Disgaea DS
- Time Hollow
- Ash: Archaic Sealed Heat
- Moon
- Age of Empires: Mythologies
- Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
- Chrono Trigger DS
- Harvest Moon: Shining Sun and Friends
- Guitar Hero: On Tour Decades
- Metal Slug 7
- Prince of Persia: The Fallen King
Just name a few also Call of Duty: World at War is coming soon with online play, DS Rules!!!!!
Why anyone would want to play a DS more than once is beyond me. Nintendo really pulled a good one selling that many DS's when its basically just a Gameboy Advanced with two screens. If the DS was 3D, had good games, and had a touch screen, then I could understand why its doing so well.
Damn that sad the gameboy with two screen is beating a more powerful handheld like the psp and developers is supporting a gameboy over the psp.
Buddy it's as simple as this.
Nintendo is winning because every person that played handheld before this was using a Nintendo handheld, so when the new one comes out everybody goes and buys it. The fact of the matter is
Yes the PSP is losing in the handheld race
But the PSP is still took a good chunk away from the Nintendo stronghold and if Sony decides to make another you can count on them taking even more away from nintendo.
Thats is so false, because look at the console Sony had more than 50% of the console market, but now they only have a small share of the market.
What happen to the millions of people who own the ps2 did they all buy a ps3, no. If they did ps3 would be the leading console.
samething goes for the DS, not everyone that had owned the gameboy bought a DS.
Have you forgotten this is Sony's first handheld? And for a first handheld, it sold pretty solid. Show a lil' appreciation will ya? As I said before. This is the PSP board. Take your DS knowledge out of here!
Have you forgotton that the ps1 was sony's first system and it outsold the 64, so stop finding excuses because the psp is a failure.
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