I've read the previews for Little Big Planet and I can't understand what the big attraction is to it. The only game I'm looking forward to before Christmas is Fallout 3. I may get Bioshock towards the end of the year as I've heard the story is worth the price of admission. LPB just looks like a typical party game you'd find on the Wii with the exception of being able to create your own content. Is it safe to assume that the sort of people who are going to be buying LBP will be people who enjoyed games like Lemmings, BUZZ, Worms, The Sims, Spore etc..?
At the moment I'm playing Oblivion on the PC. The only game I own on the PS3 is GTA4, which I thought was a masterpiece. I'm surprised LBP gets so much hype - maybe its something you have to see running or play yourself to understand.
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