I think it's because people don't understand what they are getting.
1. Blue Ray drive - probibly costs SONY around $80 vs a DVD drive which probibly costs around $20
2. Built in wifi and Bluetooth, Not going to speculate cost but vs the other option I'm sure it adds more cost.
3. The cell and graphics chip (specially made for the system) vs a graphics chip (I dont think there is anything speciel about the CPU in the 360 but could be wrong).
Just a few reasons why the PS3 costs more and SONY sold for a loss. Rather than a price cut I'd like to see them bundle the headset and HDMI cable.
BTW the cost for the bundled headset and HDMI cable with the other console probibly doesn't cost more than $10. You can order HDMI cables for $5 all day long and thats retail not production cost. When company's buy in bulk like hard drives for the systems it becomes quite cheap. The 20 gig drive you get with the pro model probibly didn't even cost Microsoft $20.
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