i played the game and it does NOT look better than god of war 3 or killzone 3.
imo god of war 3 is the console graphics king ( the sharpness of graphics and the lighting, reflections, shadows and colors look much better than uncharted 3)
also killzone 3 even tho not as good as god of war 3 but its sharpness in graphics, colors and atmosphere looks better than uncharted 3. i m not calling uncharted 3 a ugly game because its far from it but its not the best. the best is god of war 3 the gameplay it amazing and the graphics are best. another great looking game which gets zero credit is ninja gaidenn sigma 2, team ninja has done a good job in upgrading ninja gaiden 2 graphics and porting it to the ps3, it is one of the best console looking games also.
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