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Because it is. Typically it is like this. People who played Fallout and Fallout 2, will say New Vegas is better. People who started playing Fallout at 3, will say 3 is better.ShadowDeathX
What about people who play New Vegas first, and then 3?
How is New Vegas like Fallout 1 and 2?GxgearIt has more of a connection between the factions of those games, including the NCR and a more realistic Brotherhood of Steel. There are also more references to characters and events in the first 2 games.
Although I like the post-apocalyptic western outlook in New Vegas, Fallout 3 overall has a much more appealing world which is dark, lonely and more engaging. Plus Fallout 3 is bigger, and not as buggy.
Although I like the post-apocalyptic western outlook in New Vegas, Fallout 3 overall has a much more appealing world which is dark, lonely and more engaging. Plus Fallout 3 is bigger, and not as buggy.
Fallout 3 is bigger? Are you shure? But if yes, in that case Fallout NV has more interesting places. Personaly I prefer dark post-apocalyptic landscape like in F3 but New Vegas has more interesting and enjoyable quests + better DLCs.
The difference is Obsidian. And specifically two people that were instrumental in Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 (J. Sawyer and Chris Avellone) that are now working for Obsidian. Obviously they knew how to make a traditional Fallout game - from the writing, quests, deep characters, reputation and moral system to the role-play and re-introducing the traits options - they did an outstanding job. Fallout New Vegas was the better Fallout game.
Fallout 3 was survival-centered Fallout game similar to the "Mad Max" movies. Bethesda still has a lot to learn to make an outstanding Fallout game. Don't get me wrong i love Fallout 3, but New Vegas and its DLCs were superior in every aspect, EXCEPT they were a little more unstable and glitchy than F3.
Here is to hoping Fallout 4 will be just as good or better than New Vegas.
I never knew the Fallout series existed until I got Fallout 3. (just so you know where I stand with the series)
I remember being amazed by Fallout 3 because before that I only played JRPGs. It was a totally new experience and ended up putting 60 hours into it.
I think New Vegas is better because of many reasons. I like the story more and felt I could manipulate it to my liking, I enjoyed finding new companions and discovering their backstory and how it affected the main story, joining/fighting/ignoring different factions, and the overall atmosphere of the world. I've played the game twice so far (2 save files: one with 45 hours and another with 90 hours + DLC). So far I haven't done any Legion quests and I'll likely play the game for a third time and get a very different perspective of the Mojave. Both games are 10's.
being a HUGE fallout 2 fan i feel that fallout New Vegas is truer to the originals, and improves on 3 in every way except setting and music selection.
i lved both, never played the eariler ones. started with F3 and then NV. New vegas just seemed to have more stuff to do and more ways to combine and make stuff. More options :D
I love both games but 3 is just superior in every way except you cant aim down the sights.needweedi liked FO3 more in each aspect exept gun customizing
I think New Vegas is better because of how you can immerse yourself more into different aspects. The story honestly didn't keep me interested, I realized I spent more time focusing on side mission, rather than the main story. I personally liked working with the "Boomers" at Nellis the most in the game. The only downside of the game was the more you completed, the more the game tended to lag. I ended up taking my game to GameStop because it basically became un-playable and unjoyable.
Most people seem to like Fallout 3 better than New Vegas, but I disagree. Here's why I think New Vegas is better:
I like the enviornment of F3 alot better, but other than that, everything about New Vegas is better. I used to enjoy the faction's and their stories of F3 better, but I've really warmed up to the legion and NCR.
I had never played Fallout 1 or 2 but played a lot of the other great WRPGs (Baldurs Gate, Planescape, etc) when Fallout 3 was released and I hated Fallout 3. I thought that it had a bland and boring environments, a small number of quests, poorly written characters, a terrible companion system, that there was no challenge to the game at all, and that Bethesda's likely chose such a poor uninteresting location for the game to take part in (the area that would likely have been hit hardest from bombs so it would have less towns, people, or interesting things in the environment other than ruins) because their engine and the consoles likely couldn't handle making large interesting cities like in Fallout 1 and 2 (two games that that took place a long time before Fallout 3). I knew a little about the old Fallout games from friends and videos and played them after playing Fallout 3 and loved them (Tactics was also pretty good but Brotherhood of Steel was probably one of the worst games I have played).
The people I knew that were huge Fallout 1 and 2 fans didn't just hate 3 but found most of the things the game did to be insulting to the series and its fans. We all looked at New Vegas like an improvement in every way, it's unfortunate it had so many bugs and uses the same engine but the writing and Fallout lore were handled much better, as were the quests and companions.
I never understood why people say they like Fallout 3 because the main quest story was better. The story was poor in both games (though I would really like to see what Fallout Van Buren would have done with the story since Fallout NV is only about a 1/3 of the size that game was supposed to be) it's just used to get you started on your journey like in Fallout 1 and 2. It isn't anywhere near good enough to be thought of as a selling point and it doesn't take up much of the time in either game. The horrible way the ending was handled in Fallout 3 certainly doesn't make its story or setting look any better.
I never played those games but my bro has and he thinks New Vegas is the better game since the writing is much fresher and funnier, the survival mode makes all the food and drinks in the game have some actual use(unlike in fallout 3 where they are just there as decor.) Obviously, gun play is better with the addition of iron sights. Plus there's factions the player can join and can establish some rep with the people in the game(where as in Fallout 3, you will forever be that kid chasing after your daddy and there's nothing you can do about that since there isn't any titles that you can add to your name.)
Most people seem to like Fallout 3 better than New Vegas, but I disagree. Here's why I think New Vegas is better:
- Reputation: You're able to get certain factions to adore or hate you.
- Better Karma system: The karma/morality isn't so Black and white in New Vegas.
- Weapon mods: You can improve your and customize your guns further with this feature.
- Aiming down sights: This helps with the biggest flaw in Fallout 3, which was the shooting mechanics,
- Endings: You can actually choose from four different factions to fight for, and they're all vastly different. In Fallout 3 could only fight for one, the Brotherhood of Steel. Also the endings are very detailed. They tell the fate of mostly every town, character, or faction that's in the game. Finally, there isn't a "perfect" ending like there was in Fallout 3.
- Not as easy: New Vegas is more challenging because V.A.T.S. isn't as powerful, they toned down most of the overpowered perks, you can only pick a perk every other time you level up, and you can't put as many points in your skills when you level.
- Traits: You're able to select traits at the beginning of the game. Traits will help and harm you, and they help further customize your character.
- Hardcore mode: This helps make the game feel more realistic and more like you're in a post apocalyptic setting.
- Level cap: The level cap is already 30 even if you don't have any of the DlC's, and it can be increased to 50 if you have them all.
Basically, this.
Because they're blinded by nostalgia and think it's better simply because Obsidian made it.
(sorry the font is different, I copied and pasted it from one of my older posts)
Fallout New Vegas just didn't feel right. It's like Obsidian made a long list of things that needed changed and just shoehorned them all in there without bothering to see if they actually improved anything. While iron sights would normally be good, they don't actually improve the wonky aiming, they are purely aesthetic and aiming still feels just as bad. The karma system was also ruined (karma loss for killing ghouls, but no karma loss for killing humans?), and I was annoyed about being labeled good after murdering half of the Mohave.
Fallout New Vegas should include some type of forgiveness system, after greatly helping a faction, there should be some type of forgiveness, either by payment or waiting over time, for accidental assault, stealing petty items, or, even turning off a jukebox(I guess to some factions turning off one's jukebox is punishable by death). If you do something wrong and don't reload a save immediately, then your relationship with that faction is basically cut off. Also, since you're a freelance roamer basically, you shouldn't be able to work with only one faction, you should still be able to work with the other factions as long as you don't anything to severely piss of another faction. A faction you're trying to help shouldn't kill you on sight simply because you're helping another.
The New Vegas dialogue is also disappointing, you can't have any emotions or be evil or nice with the dialogue, the responses sound like a robot looking for information. Everyone in Fallout New Vegas also has no emotion, you think they'd be a bit more angry or sad after the apocalypse or in their conditions, guess not... Fallout 3's dialogue was amusing and realistic, some peole were nice, some people were cruel, some people were emotionless, some were psychotic, etc.
The many quests boasted about are a case of quantity over quality, and they all feel very generic and aren't memorable like many in Fallout 3. Also, the increased number of locations are extremely dissappointing; majority of them consist of just an empty bed and some scrap metal. Even locations that sounded awesome like the Strip are just full of unnamed NPCs that repeat the same three lines of dialogue. Not to mention the glitches.... and there were a lot..
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