ok, i've been playing bioshock on the ps3 for a long time now, (the first one, not the second, it sucked) its my FAVORITE ps3 game ever. over the last month or so its started freezing on me for no apparant reason, just at random... i tried setting my date back to 2008 after hearing on ign that something with the clock system was causing other people this problem with the game and it worked for a few weeks, but now its doing the same thing, freezing at random. now normally i'd just say to hell with it and buy another ps3, (beleave me, i like this game enough i'd buy a new system just to keep playing it) but i don't wanna do that cuz one- i'll have to buy and install the new game+ all over again, and two- i don't wanna lose all my saves. i own an old 80 gig ps3 (the fat model) never had any problems with it, and it plays all my other games just fine, its just my favorite game it has a problem with. i've googled every possible fix i can find and nothing works to correct this problem... has anyone else encountered this problem when playing bioshock? and is there anything i can do to make it stop freezing? any help would be nice.
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