I know that recently JRPG's have been in decline, and they are not as popular as they once were (seriously is this any surprise, considering most of them suck?)
What is it with all JRPG devs making the same looking game? I mean i look at the last 4 JRPGS to come out and they all look the SAME. Anime styled, now i have no problems with this and i love the tales series but seriously we need some variety. Anime styled JRPG's just don't seem to sell well in US/EU. So i've been trying to think why are JRPG's in decline this gen? And the conclusion i came to is this:
They all look the same, they have no variety and there are no "mature" styled JRPG's. I've grown up playing JRPG's they are my favourite genre, but i'm tired of the anime styled versions and i want more JRPG's like FFVII (darker storyline) everyone is complaining that JRPG's are a dying genre, but yet there has not been any good JRPG's to test if this is true. FF13 was far different from any previous entry in the series, so this can't even test that.
So i was thinking, why has no JRPG dev took a gamble? Why has no JRPG dev thought, okay lets make a mature JRPG with blood, a dark storyline and some cool stuff like some finishing moves to enemies/bosses? If they actually start trying different things, maybe they'd be surprised with the result. Is there even any JRPG's with blood in it? That's the type of JRPG i'd like to see, it'd be something different and fresh.Who else is fed up of voice actors who sound like they are 13?
You got to look into JRPGs for handhelds, as there aren't many quality JRPGs for consoles. Radiant Historia and Devil Surivivor are great JRPGs for the NDS.
NIER might fit the bill for you, however I have not played the game as of yet, but I heard it has a moving story. I have only played a meager amount of JRPGs this gen, nevertheless I will say that there are JRPGs that still tell good, mature stories. If you are looking for gore in your RPGs, I suggest looking towards WRPGs instead.
As for JRPGs looking all too similar, I admiteddly, will agree to a certain extent on the subject. I do wish for more JRPGs to adopt a more realistic look for their characters, however that is not to say that anime-esque JRPGs can't look good. I am fond of Disgaea's anime visuals, but I can't say the same for every JRPG that has an anime **** art direction.
I do see where your coming from, however i'm not saying that i am looking for gore in specific in my JRPG's (i play WRPG's too, and i love them in there own way) i just think that it's about time a JRPG dev trys something new. Final Fantasy VII was something new for it's time, and look what that accomplished. It's just frustrating there are not many devs these days who are willing to try new things, JRPG's don't have to die, the devs just have to keep things fresh.
The reason i find WRPG and JRPG different is that a WRPG it's kind of like your story, and it's more focused on little things going on in the world and little side stories here and there. Where as a JRPG it's kind of like a book, and it's told to you.
So yes anime visuals can look good, and i love the tales games and DQ games. Though i think everyone, including me is in the mood for a more mature JRPG to come out, epic in feel and different from whats currently on the market.
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