Not remotely true. The bottleneck is occurring at the GPU level. These consoles feature an APU design which allows the system to share resources between CPU, GPU, RAM and HDD. The inherent issue with this though is that the entire system is only as strong as the weakest link. SO when the CPU is bottlenecked, it does not mean it's because of the CPU, it means the CPU is having to pick up the slack of something else that is not performing well enough to take the load off of the CPU.
Since at least 90% of a videogame is run by the GPU, the CPU mostly just accepts and sends instructions (like a brain) and uses RAM for dumping excess computed instructions. The brain doesn't run out organs, the organs run themselves by listening to the brain telling them how. Even our brains would bottleneck if they tried to actually do the tasks our organs do. So the CPU isn't horrible and the RAM is actually quite excellent, but they are picking up slack that they should not do.
Reason being? 1 year ago Sony used a custom AMD 7970 or a 7990 to fit into their PS4. Right out of the gate the GPU was already 2 years old, therefore it lacked the special instructions, optimizations and improvements that current tech has. The PS3 never did this. PS3 was equipped with cheaper but current tech at the time.
Now, here is the issue: An old GPU is trying to run modern games with even higher graphics than it was rated for and higher resolutions. That GPU that could barely do that 2 years ago when games were much less demanding, and everyone wonders why the PS4 and XB1 are struggling so badly. They tried far too hard to hit that traditional $400 mark, not accounting for the fact that computer tech has not progressed enough to make the parts cheap enough to get the power people were expecting at the traditional $400 price tag. They should have just sold the PS4 for $500 instead and used a current GPU. Voila, all issues then would have simply boiled down to optimizing.
For those who don't accept this, I compiled a list showing the PlayStation generations in terms of CPU and GPU power below in detail that likely no one will read-------------------------------------------------
1) PS2 was 100x more powerful than PS1, even 200x more powerful if you count the second Emotion Engine Core it utilized
2) PS3 was easily 33x more powerful that the PS2 at very worst for processing power alone.
3) However, the PS4 is clearly struggling to be even 1.5-2x more powerful than the PS3. There is no gain in CPU power, perhaps even a slight loss (explained below)
-------------------------Facts about PS4 vs PS3----------------------------------
---Both have 8 cores of CPU, however the processor on the PS3 (30 year old CPU tech) was actually set at 3.4GHz while the PS4 has its limit set at 1.6GHz with modern CPU tech from AMD with APU design. Both are probably par but something tells me the Cell processor was superior since it had many dedicated single core units, while the APU design for PS4 is bottlenecked by RAM limits and old graphics.
---The PS4's RAM is tremendously faster, but it's been proven that faster RAM means almost nothing in gaming. It does sport 8GB of it with an "on-paper" 160GB/s of bandwidth potential, but only 5.5GB is usable. The GDDR5 type was a nice touch, but it's scarcely a saving grace with such an underpowered GPU (below). The problems the PS4 currently has all boils down to the GPU, with the RAM and CPU doing almost nothing to help alleviate the real issue. The PS3 only had 256MB RAM set at 800MHz.
---Lastly, the graphics card is about par with an AMD 7970/7990, which is over 2 years old right out of the gate. This still represents a huge boost in power over the PS3, however the PS3 basically had a dumbed down NVIDIA 8800 with 256MB VRAM which at that time the was top of the line. Sony took current GPU tech and customized it for console usage to meet their $400 pricetag. The PS4 however did not do that at all. They took severely old tech and jammed it all in there with a "fake" 8 core APU with great RAM that does nothing to help the poor GPU. The PS4's potential could have been very surprising if Sony did not skimp in the ONLY real area that matters with gaming-- the GPU, where 90% at least of all gaming is computed.
CPU: 32-bit RISC (33.9MHz)
RAM: 2MB, 1MB Video RAM
Graphics: 3D Geometry Engine, with 2D rotation, scaling, transparency and fading and 3D texture mapping and shading
Colors: 16.7 million
Sprites: 4,000
Polygons: 360,000 per second
Resolution: 640x480
Sound: 16-bit 24 channel PCM
CPU: 128-bit PlayStation2 @294.912 MHz 16KB Cache (Data: 8KB + 16KB (ScrP))
RAM: 32MB Direct Rambus DRAM, 3.2GB/s (roughly equivalent to 800MHz DDR3 RAM)
Co-Processor for FPU @6.2 GFLOPS
GPU: 4MB Graphics Synthesizerâ„¢ @147.456MHz
(DRAM Bus bandwidth 48GB/s, 2560 Bits wide interface)
Max Resolution: 1280 x 1024
CPU: 128bit PowerPC-base Core 8 Cores @3.2GHz 512KB L2 cache
7 x 256KB SRAM (for data crunching for the cores)
1 of 8 cores (SPEs) reserved for redundancy
total floating point performance: 218 GFLOPS
GPU: 256MB NVIDIA RSX @550MHz w/ GDDR3 VRAM @700MHz (VRAM: 22.4GB/s)
(G70/GeForce 7800 GTX)
1.8 TFLOPS floating point performance
RAM: 256MB XDR Main RAM @3.2GHz (25.6GB/s)
System Floating Point Performance: 2 TFLOPS
CPU: AMD x86 Jaguar 1.6GHz 8-Core (two 4 cores Jaguars side-by-side sharing 2MB L2 Cache, out-of-order-operations)
GPU: Custom 2GB AMD Radeon approx. equal to a 7970/7990 (GCN Architecture, 1.84TFLOPS)
RAM: 8GB GDDR5 unified 8 GB GDDR5 RAM setup (~3.5GB for typical OS use, ~5.5GB max for games)
HDD: 500GB 5400RPM
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