Besides Blu Ray, what does the PS3 have to offer me that the Xbox 360 cannot?
Most of the exclusive Playstation titles are now going to be available for both systems.
Considering the fact that Xbox has more experience in online gaming, what can "Home" for the PS3 really offer me?
I have been waiting for a release of a backwards-compatible PS3. So far, the only one offered is the limited edition MGS4 PS3 bundle.
If most consumers cannot attain a backwards-compatible PS3, if most titles are not exclusive anymore to the PS3, and since the PS3 is inexperienced with online gaming, why even bother with a PS3?
you really live in a different world..
"Besides Blu Ray, what does the PS3 have to offer me that the Xbox 360 cannot?"
well it has free online.. it is a better machine.. has Wi-fi.. and has better excusives.. wanna know why? (ill answer next), so.. fail.
"Most of the exclusive Playstation titles are now going to be available for both systems."
which is...?! FF13? and?! LOL dude.. resistance.. god of war.. naruto.. little big planet.. killzon2.. infamous.. FFvs13.. and the list GOES ON! so fail.
"Considering the fact that Xbox has more experience in online gaming, what can "Home" for the PS3 really offer me?"
Home will give you interactivity between online comunity.. youll be able to walk in the "HOME" world and find someone and invite him to play eith you.. or just watch a movie together with them in your "Personal Space".. and millions of other things.. and what does ps3's online have better? it is free.. so, fail.
"I have been waiting for a release of a backwards-compatible PS3. So far, the only one offered is the limited edition MGS4 PS3 bundle."
lol... 60gbs always had BC... every 60gbs... and only than the bundle one appeared.. so once again, you failed.
"If most consumers cannot attain a backwards-compatible PS3, if most titles are not exclusive anymore to the PS3, and since the PS3 is inexperienced with online gaming, why even bother with a PS3?" and as i've proved you:

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