Usually XBL get's content a little more early becasue MS has a deal with several publishers to bring to XBL first and PSN later. The XBL market does have more content, but PSN still has quite alot too, and in some cases I think it's better. PSN has the PS1 classics section which is full of great older games like Chrono Trigger, Spyro, FF7, MGS ect....
Also content on PSN Store is usually a little cheapr than XBL, it doesn't use MS points so you can buy items for their actual value. My personal complaint about the PSN Store is the layout, I prefer the XBL market place layout over the PSN Store, but the Store has a better pricing system so it's even.
yeah I agree with you on many levels...although i am not sure the time difference comparison (I haven't had much time with my ps3 to compare that yet)
but i agree with you regarding prices....such as just cause mw4, etc. and yeah I am sure i will enjoy ps1 clasics on it as well.
and yeah the layout is a bit easier to sort through on xbl but part of it is due that sony has so many systems to support, phones, psp, psp go, ps vita, ps media players, etc...which i guess created some complexity in the menus...
but yeah i guess i still stand by the only issue is that although it has a lot of great titles, such as inFAMOUS (1+2) and others, i hope they will INCREASE in number of titles.
Usually it's about a month before DLC will come to PSN after XBL (like the COD map packs ect...) but the PSN Store get's updated every tuesday so they add new content on it every week, I don't think it will ever have as much content as XBL however.
Though if your willing to pay for it, PS Plus is a pretty sweet deal. I'm a subscriber and I got like 6 "free" games this month alone (though they arn't really free, if your subscription runs out you have to buy them) but you also get 50% off on new DLC and 75% on old ones, though this also varies from game to game. But it gives you a lot for your money, it's about the the same price as a Gold subscription though. I think it's well worth it IMO.
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