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the last part., as amazing as i want to say this is the games that i think are must have for the console...i can already get on my ps3, and better. it needs some awesome original content for me to warrant a purchase, it does have some awesome games, metal gear, ray an, mortal kombat , but i have them already =/
I think there are a variety of reasons including:
Poor marketing by Sony gets my vote.
I like the company but man do they need help with their marketing skills.
For as unlikeable as Microsoft is, they know how to market things and Sony could really learn from them.
All it would really take to lift sales would be for Sony to arrange for someone like Justin Bieber to be seen with a Vita. If that dude can sell pimple cream, Sony should be able to afford him to hock their handheld.
Needs a "Killer App" Gravity Rush wasn't that game. It is a great game. But not a killer "must have now" game. Uncharted Golden Abyss is an Excellent game. But other than Darke fans it didn't reach the masses. Another great game. But not the killer "must have game" Same with Unit 13 which is a decent shooter. A good game, but didn't catch on beyond a niche group.
Sony needs a JRPG or two in Japan. Monster hunter game for Japan. North America needs a new original PSvita game. Playstation 3 ports are not going to really work out. Since you can play them on PS3. PSvita needs to play to its strenghts instead of trying to be the portable PS3 it once originally billed as.
Plus the price of the memory cards does not help when comparable memory is sold for far less. PSvita proprierity memory card prices are too much. My only knock on PSvita.
Plus World wide economy is not well, won't be for a long time.
Top 3 reasons of mine: (1) Too expensive for anyone but the hardcore, (2) Lack of advertising, (3) Media biasm saying that theyre arent any games when every other console launch didnt have games for it the first year either. Watch when the ps4/xbox durango come out everyone will be saying the same thing about lack of games and high price.
Here's the thing though, having ports or spin-offs of Ps2 games did better on PSP than VITA since the PS2 was a juggernaut at the time, and it was more appealing. Software wise the PS3 is not the best, so Sony thinking the same thing will happen with PS3 ports or Spin-offs made no sense in the first place. Especially since Uncharted is pretty much their number one franchise to have a portable game of and the only to be honest. It's all exclusives for now. That's what it needs.the last part., as amazing as i want to say this is the games that i think are must have for the console...i can already get on my ps3, and better. it needs some awesome original content for me to warrant a purchase, it does have some awesome games, metal gear, ray an, mortal kombat , but i have them already =/
1. Bad Marketing.
2. Gaming library is still too small to attract some on the fence potential buyers (this should change with time).
3. Price compared to 3DS really hurts it to casual gamers.
And to add a personal reason, I'm reluctant to sink in the cash yet because of the insanely priced memory cards. The memory cards should easily be half the price of what they are now.
Too expensive
Not enough high quality games
Ridiculously expensive memory cards
And most of all terrible marketing by Sony, Seriously i haven't seen commercials for this in ever it's like they've given up.
Agree. But I don't think the global economy is a too huge factor since other platforms are doing pretty well compared to VITA numbers (VITA is simply an expensive platform for mobile gaming). Here wishing for a decent promo during the next few holidays.I think there are a variety of reasons including:
- Global economy still isn't great so people generally don't have lots of spare cash
- A lot of people who primarily console/pc game are getting their "on the go" gaming fix from expensive "smart phones" - everyone "needs" a mobile these days so might as well spend an extra £100 ( or whatever ) and get a smart phone than lay out £300 ( or more ) for a Vita and memory card and games
- The Vita has the opposite problem to the 3DS - it had a great launch line up of games but then virtually nothing. Many weeks at a time go by without new releases so not encouraging people to pick on up now
- It needs something more than "cheap" PSN games that show off it's capabilities. Console "ports" are all well and good but most people would pick up a game for their console rather than handheld given the choice. One of the reasons the DS and now 3DS were/are so sucessful is the vast library of games only available on that platform. It's what let the PSP down and what is now letting the Vita down. I personally way well get NFS Most Wanted for my Xbox AND Vita but I guess most people won't.........
It isn't about being cheap, but what one values. The market for the vita is very iffy. An adult, that may enjoy games from time to time, looks at the package price. It simply isn't worth it to a lot of people. $250+$80+$40=$370, or over $400 if you get more than one game. 32gig cards can be bought for 80ish, so I low balled there. See, that's a large initial purchase. It targets out the young young crowd, the low paying job high schooler finds it hard to swallow, the college student probably simply doesn't have the time or limits the gaming habit, and then the adult looks at that price and thinks of the other things the money could go into. Then you factor in 3DS. I bought one, but it wasn't what stopped me from buying a vita. The memory prices, the way psn is handling /dlc , and the lack of marketing push. The thing needs more focus. ...I still might pick up that white model, because down the line I know this will be the best portable of all time...........way down the line tho.People are cheap
Memory card prices are bs
Not enough games for most people
The expense of the vita aside, my biggest issue has been lack of good quality games for vita and that there also aren't very many games to play on it either. Those that are available aren't really that great and most only keep pace with whats already found on ds, psp, or as an app for apple and android products. Sony promoted the vita as the handheld equivalent to a home console and thats what sold me and so many others on their product, despite the price tag. With the exception of a few games (Gravity Rush, Uncharted, Metal Gear HD) nothing thats been released has lived up to those boasts yet. If Sony's vita wants to be the next big thing in handheld gaming then its gotta bring something that the competition doesn't already have, not just keep pace with them. Nobody wants to spend big $$ on the same side-scrolling, pixelated crap thats found in the apple/android app stores or for gameboy/ds (and for far less $$ too, for that matter). Sony needs to wake up and step it up before we consumers decide to step off.
Yea same here. Which leads people to think the system is dead and not worth investing into.i have not seen one single vita commercial since the mlb the show with cross play in SPRING
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