hey guys
my wife bought me a ps3 for fathers day, and decided i could have it a week early. i held off on getting a ps3 until metal gear came out, and i got one just in time. since they only sell the 40 gig ps3's now, can i upgrade the hard drive in it to something a littl ebigger if i need to?
i got a few days before i get mgs4, but i think i may go get some older games like resistance until thursday.
Yes you can upgrade the hard drive, but my guess is you will not need to. Size became an issue more with the Xbox 360 due to the fact that you can download Full HD movies through Xbox live, and the size for the video was huge. 7+Gigs per movie I think. Sony does not yet have such movie downloads that I can recall, and there is no benefit to downloading full versions of PS3 games on line since it is no discount from when you purchase it at the store.
I thought the same thing as you. "is 40GB enough". I have 35GB free after 6 months. Your PS3 can talk to your pc, so your MP3, videos, pics, etc can reside on your PC taking up no PS3 Hard Drive space. As for the backward compatable thing....I don't know about you, but I bought my PS3 to play PS3 games and not PS2 games. If that is not the case for you then you might look on Ebay, or see if the next version of PS3 can play PS2 games.
Congrats on you purchase. I am lucky I have all 3 systems. Xbox 360 for games only, PS3 for Blu-ray moves (and some games), and the Wii (for the kids). And Yes I have the DS and PSP. I am a geek.
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