if you got your card off ebay, beware of fakes! hit triangle in the main menu bar, it should say MagiGate: Supported under Information. If it says Unknown or Not Supported, you got a fake!!!
also, try to copy a file over 1/2 the space of your card to make sure it works. the fake 8gb cards are just 4gb cards hacked to appear as 8gb.
see http://reviews.ebay.com/FAKE-Sony-Memory-Stick-Pro-Duo-MagicGate-Cards-Exposed_W0QQugidZ10000000001236041?ssPageName=BUYGD:CAT:-1:SEARCH:2 for more info.
I heard from some friends that there will be a 32GB memo coming for PSP. I don't know if that is true but I have 4GB memory stick and it works perfectly.
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