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thats a big if because sony isn't dumb enough to do that. sony has been in the video game industry for almost 20 years. hypothetically speaking though, no i wouldn't. and i know this probably isn't related to your question but i'm going to say it anyway, if the rumors of what the ps4 will have are true then i'm officially switching to the xbox 720 (or whatever the next xbox will be called) because i'm tight on money right now and i can only offord used games at the moment. i love video games but if sony does what the rumors are saying they will do then that will prove to me that sony is just like activision and only cares about money
I am going to buy a PS4 no matter what. And I doubt that it will be anything less than great, also I would like to keep up with the system and titles this time. I hear the next Xbox is going to be 6 times as powerful as the 360 so Sony will match that at least and that sounds good to me.
A PS4 that's not much more powerful than a PS3 would defeat the whole purpose. Considering how long the PS3 has been out, they could make something a LOT more powerful that wouldn't cost too much more. It's only making it state-of-the-art that makes it expensive.
And I don't want a different controller. That's just the interface between me and the games, not something I sit around admiring.
It all comes down to the games though. If they come out with some stuff that makes me excited, I'll buy it. If not, I don't care how many features it's got or anything else - I'm not interested.
I think I would. I really want a new way to control games and I'm tired of the graphics focus. I hope all the rumors are true.bionictonicHonestly the PS controller is pretty much perfect which is why it has changed very little since the first system came out in 95'. But im not gonna buy a new system just for a new controller. And honestly Microsoft and sony have both said they wont be mentioning a new system this year. And really their is know need to. I don't think anybody cares all the much about the new Nintendo system. And mainly because nothing is really being shown about it.
If the Playstation 4 just doubles the processing power of PS3. Just incerease everything by twice the current specs. I would be happy with that.
A new way to control games. The PSmove has already tried that.
But if you mean to change up the controller The DualShock 3 which is more or less the same as DualShock 2 and the original Dualshock controller from 1998.
A new controller? What ideas could Sony do? The PSvita and the Playstation 4 will be able to do whatever the Wii U can do. Sony seems to have countered that already. Should the Wii U be a runnaway success.
I would at least like Sonys controller for the PS4 to have the Same D-Pad style as the PSvita. Until the release of the PSvita Sony has had the same D-Pad design on every Sony Videogame machine since Dec 4th 1994.
What ideas for new control can there be?
If sony supplies great games with its first party like the PS3 has had, then I will get one. Hardware does not matter. The games do.
I have the Move because I thought it would be kind of cool with the sharp shooter attachment, and it really isn't. I've yet to try on-rail shooters with it so that may help, but then I'd almost rather go to an arcade. The Move seems to be best with games like Tumble, where it' can be used to pull objects forward, backward, left, and right. I thought that was rather innovative, as is Echochrome 2.
Other than that, I would probably never pick up a PS4 if it's based on motion control. The current controller is just fine, and only Nintendo seems to drastically change their controller with each system, and it's fine for them as it's their thing. However, by now I've come to expect a certain standard from Sony in terms of controller, and expect them to focus on the power of their consoles.
I think it's funny how people still think a more powerful console is done just for graphics, it's needed in order to increase every aspect of a game, graphics just happen to be a part of that and are the easiest for people to talk about because they're usually the first noticable difference.
I think I would. I really want a new way to control games and I'm tired of the graphics focus. I hope all the rumors are true.bionictonicsounds like you need a WiiU , not PS4
for who ever said there changing over to the next xbox because there rumour sony are trying to wipe out the used game market, is completely false and i've heard rumours thats exactly what microsoft want to do and i'm sorry but micrsoft scheme money out of people all the time, remember the old hd dvd thing you had to buy seperate, or the fact you have to pay to play online, also they still sell 360's without hard drive's, so if one of them is going to do it, it's gonna be microsoft.
you know what i like the ps3 graphic's i'd love for it to be able to produce better graphics maybe a little but you know what i really want them to bring a console out which get's rid of loading and allows the games to flow at 60fps, and no lag in single player at least. i think now is the best time than ever to up the graphics slightly but sort the smoothness out, make the console better in that respect.
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