Burnout by miles and miles.... WipEout is quality no doubt, but will get old,, and theres not too much depth to it (never played the new one, but played the old ones, and PSP ones, and it hasnt evolved changed since then).
I put off getting Burnout for a while, as im not a big racing game fan,, but with all the new additions, the AAA scores as well as it being only $20 (i got it used), i decided to trade in the mediocre (IMO) Warhawk, and wow what a game. Ive put in hours upon hours, the game is sooo fun. The demo does it no justice.
But to be honest,,,, although free and cool, the bikes arent nearly as fun to play with as the cars. And as of now (unless im wrong), you cant race against cars or even other bikes,,, its basically just timed events. But still, this is a free add-on. The trophies are a great touch too, and for once theyre not overly tough to get.
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