[QUOTE="MethodManFTW"]Developers make exclusive deals, it happens. They have every right to do so.. Jinroh_basic
true. i guess after buying out the 5th and 6th gen it's only fair for Playstation to get shafted. doesn't make it less disappointing though....
Besides incite another "MS is evil for bribing devs with a ton of money to get exclusives" fiasco, I think theres a better explanation.
CD Projekt RED isn't a big team. The engine is already multiplat. Porting it from PC to 360 is easier than PC to PS3. Plus they have no prior console experience. They also have to further optimize the game to get it running on console hardware, or make settings worse than PC's low to get it running which is what I think they are doing. CD Projekt is a proper developer too. They aren't gonna quickly port something just for a quick buck. They're gonna make sure that stuff works and works right.
Also in the reveal trailers shortly before its release for PC, it had a message from the devs and a few PS-es. Last one was (PS...3. It will happen someday ;) ) Don't lose hope yet. It'll probably happen right after the 360 version.
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