I've been set on just getting a PS4 some time next year but the lack of backwards compatibility is a huge shame and I don't think I want to rely on Gaikai for playing PS3 games. I have a decent PC and I am very happy with my current consoles and handhelds but I am interested in games like Final Fantasy XIII, Ni No Kuni, The Last of Us, the Uncharted series, Bayonetta, the Tales games, the Metal Gear games, the Infamous series, and Heavy Rain. Games I didn't mention I will either get on the PC or I'm not interested in (sorry GTAV).
Basically I will most likely get a PS4 sometime next year but would it be worth getting a PS3 as well just for these games? I just feel it would be a shame to miss out on them but I'm not sure if they're worth getting a PS3 for. Any opinions you guys have would be much appreciated :D
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