Would an external harddrive work on an original 80gb PS3? Can I use it to save game progress and download game from the disc or the PS Store on to it? Like this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/PS3-WD-ELEMENTS-PLAYSTATION-3-EXTERNAL-500-GB-PORTABLE-POCKET-USB-HARD-DRIVE-/160830118664?pt=Video_Games_Accessories&hash=item257238db08
You can't back up games on an external hard drive. That's illegal i think. And you can connect almost any external USB hard drive to the PS3 as long as it's formatted as FAT32. And yes you can back up save games and other data but not the whole games themselves.
Yes you can use external drives as long as they are formatted to FAT32. No you cannot install games on external hardrives. You can copy your save games to external drives provided that save game is not protected.
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