If Sony went the route of what Nintendo did, and made their own mash-up fighting game.
*Title* (not a clue....)
Characters you can play as:
1. Kratos
2. Old Snake/Solid Snake
3. Raiden
4. Sly Cooper
5. Cole McGrath
6. Cloud
7. Sephiroth
8. Ratchet
9. Clank
10. Sackboy
11. Liquid Ocelot
12. One of the Colossus *scaled down or just be a really big enemy to fight*
13. Nathan Cole
14. Chimera
15. Qwark
16. Nathan Drake
17. Patapon
18. Locoroco
19. The Guy from Buzz
What do you guys think? just a giant fan service mash up.. hmm... or maybe Sony's brand just doesn't suite itself for such a game.
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