Today while I was on gamespot, I went to ff13 page.then i see the also on Xbox360 link and that when i got sad a bit because my whole life i played final fantasy on a playstation system and theres also the fact im kinda a Fan Boy. final fantasy series have always been one of my faviorte series of all time.see i know its gona be a good game. but ff13 was one of the many reasons i decided to get my ps3. and i know ff13 may be a ps3 exclusive but its not the same. and now that the 360 also have it its gives my ps3 just a bit less meaning. i really iam sad that the final fantasy series will never be exclusive on a sony system again.
P.s And yes i played ff1-2 on the nintendo and i know there have been ff(spin offs on other systems) but lets be real sony have had the very best of the games exclusive so thats why i i give them the most props .
Long Live sony & FFseries
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psn: Xstriker18
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