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welll sony tried to be innovative with the sixaxis and that was complete failure so now we have to buy new ones casue they just realized how stupid the sixaxis is.. shuda stuck with the rumble from the beginning
it still has motion sensors. you just want to b!tch and moan about your purchase because for some reason you forgot that the new controllers with rumble have been known about for months. Technology advances, deal with it.welll sony tried to be innovative with the sixaxis and that was complete failure so now we have to buy new ones casue they just realized how stupid the sixaxis is.. shuda stuck with the rumble from the beginning
i like the Sixaxis.. but im not playing games like i have a seisure(spell?) or being burned with a flamethrower. i took my time. and learned how to use it.. Rumble on the other hand never did anything for me... "omg! im getting shot" .. isn't that clear when you healt is being lowered? or blood starts flooding out because your head got cut off by a sword? .. zeforgottenyeah i usualy turned off rumble, becaue it was more annoying than helpful about 80 percent of the time.
welll sony tried to be innovative with the sixaxis and that was complete failure so now we have to buy new ones casue they just realized how stupid the sixaxis is.. shuda stuck with the rumble from the beginning
huh how is sixaxis a faliure? the only "faliure" game to use the sixaxis was lair and that was because of the lazy developers ....did u see how the sixaxis is incorporated in other games? check out warhawk..the sixaxis is perfect when u flying/ driving in that game...check out call of duty 3...folklore...and many others.....just because ur stuck with rumble ( assuming ur a xbox fanboy ) doesnt mean u can come in here and diss sony.....ill be happy with my rumbling sixaxis :)
[QUOTE="DarkGnome55"]it still has motion sensors. you just want to b!tch and moan about your purchase because for some reason you forgot that the new controllers with rumble have been known about for months. Technology advances, deal with it.welll sony tried to be innovative with the sixaxis and that was complete failure so now we have to buy new ones casue they just realized how stupid the sixaxis is.. shuda stuck with the rumble from the beginning
and nooooo im not a 360 fanboy otherwise i wudnt be B!tching about this id be happy with the 360's rumbling controllers but i gota PS3 and thats it
[QUOTE="longhorn7"][QUOTE="DarkGnome55"]it still has motion sensors. you just want to b!tch and moan about your purchase because for some reason you forgot that the new controllers with rumble have been known about for months. Technology advances, deal with it.welll sony tried to be innovative with the sixaxis and that was complete failure so now we have to buy new ones casue they just realized how stupid the sixaxis is.. shuda stuck with the rumble from the beginning
[QUOTE="DarkGnome55"][QUOTE="longhorn7"][QUOTE="DarkGnome55"]it still has motion sensors. you just want to b!tch and moan about your purchase because for some reason you forgot that the new controllers with rumble have been known about for months. Technology advances, deal with it.welll sony tried to be innovative with the sixaxis and that was complete failure so now we have to buy new ones casue they just realized how stupid the sixaxis is.. shuda stuck with the rumble from the beginning
[QUOTE="DarkGnome55"][QUOTE="longhorn7"][QUOTE="DarkGnome55"]it still has motion sensors. you just want to b!tch and moan about your purchase because for some reason you forgot that the new controllers with rumble have been known about for months. Technology advances, deal with it.welll sony tried to be innovative with the sixaxis and that was complete failure so now we have to buy new ones casue they just realized how stupid the sixaxis is.. shuda stuck with the rumble from the beginning
oh yeah, i remember reading something about that not too long ago.
meh, instead of rumble. they should make a jacket that pokes needles into you depending on where you get shot from. lol
[QUOTE="DarkGnome55"][QUOTE="longhorn7"][QUOTE="DarkGnome55"]it still has motion sensors. you just want to b!tch and moan about your purchase because for some reason you forgot that the new controllers with rumble have been known about for months. Technology advances, deal with it.welll sony tried to be innovative with the sixaxis and that was complete failure so now we have to buy new ones casue they just realized how stupid the sixaxis is.. shuda stuck with the rumble from the beginning
It's basicly the same rumble technolgy only refined to work with motion controll, as reports and sony said rumble would interfere with motion controll, but immersion had built tech back in mid 2006 that would support both.
Says Immersion: "The new TouchSense technology is compatible with motion control and tilt-sensing to allow players to control certain game actions by moving or tilting a handheld controller. Because the speed at which a user moves the controller is much slower than the frequencies generated by TouchSense technology, the two signals can be differentiated using filtering and other techniques. Immersion also offers engineering services to implement the technology within a particular console system."
Im really pleased sony are introducing rumble back into there controller(aslong as the new dual shock supports both rumble and motion controll, so while flying the warhawk you get force feedback when being shot or crashing).
It be nice if there was some sort of deal where you could trade in six-axis for dual shock 3, but i doubt it and i dont really care i'd be happy to pay for a new dual shock.
I personally would choose rumble over tilty support as i didnt like the wii and sold it(it was a gamecube with waggle IMO) and i prefer sticks to tilty support in every ps3 game so far, warhawk uses it well but i still prefer the sticks(geuss im just old-school).
I think feedback is great, especially in driving games and fps/tps, driving in gt5 just wouldnt be the same without the feedback as when your car starts to spin out it rumbles instantly allowing you to throw the wheel in the opposite direction to straighten back up, without rumble you wouldnt know you about to lose it untill it was really to late. Also in shooters feedback is great, pulling the trigger then feeling the controller shake just helps with immersion.
I personally think rumble was and is a great feature in gaming and im really pleased its coming back to ps3.
this is exactly why i didnt buy exttra controllers i knew sony would launch a Motion/Rumble controllerWindblade91
[QUOTE="longhorn7"][QUOTE="DarkGnome55"][QUOTE="longhorn7"][QUOTE="DarkGnome55"]it still has motion sensors. you just want to b!tch and moan about your purchase because for some reason you forgot that the new controllers with rumble have been known about for months. Technology advances, deal with it.welll sony tried to be innovative with the sixaxis and that was complete failure so now we have to buy new ones casue they just realized how stupid the sixaxis is.. shuda stuck with the rumble from the beginning
also your first statement about them being "stupid" for not having rumble, you might want to also do some research on that because they took rumble out because they were currently in a lawsuit with Immersion (the company who makes the rumble component).
[QUOTE="longhorn7"][QUOTE="DarkGnome55"]it still has motion sensors. you just want to b!tch and moan about your purchase because for some reason you forgot that the new controllers with rumble have been known about for months. Technology advances, deal with it.welll sony tried to be innovative with the sixaxis and that was complete failure so now we have to buy new ones casue they just realized how stupid the sixaxis is.. shuda stuck with the rumble from the beginning
Actually, Sony is taking a step FORWARD because this is a new rumble tecnology known as TouchSense and it's much better than the current rumble technology.;title;0
wow awesome new controllers... except i already bought an extra which was either 50$ or 60$ i know it was alot and now if i want the nice rumble feature which the PS2 came with i get to pay another 50-60$? wow i really hope they make it possible to trade in controllers for the rumble ones or something because rumble should have come with the original controllers this sixaxis is useless and i wanted rumble from the start...
comments? :DarkGnome55;title;0
wow awesome new controllers... except i already bought an extra which was either 50$ or 60$ i know it was alot and now if i want the nice rumble feature which the PS2 came with i get to pay another 50-60$? wow i really hope they make it possible to trade in controllers for the rumble ones or something because rumble should have come with the original controllers this sixaxis is useless and i wanted rumble from the start...
comments? :DarkGnome55
I got lucky. My aunt bought me another PS3 controller for Christmas. So I havent spent any money on controllers. These controllers are going to be overpriced, like 60 bucks.
[QUOTE="DarkGnome55"]it still has motion sensors. you just want to b!tch and moan about your purchase because for some reason you forgot that the new controllers with rumble have been known about for months. Technology advances, deal with it.welll sony tried to be innovative with the sixaxis and that was complete failure so now we have to buy new ones casue they just realized how stupid the sixaxis is.. shuda stuck with the rumble from the beginning
[QUOTE="longhorn7"][QUOTE="DarkGnome55"]it still has motion sensors. you just want to b!tch and moan about your purchase because for some reason you forgot that the new controllers with rumble have been known about for months. Technology advances, deal with it.welll sony tried to be innovative with the sixaxis and that was complete failure so now we have to buy new ones casue they just realized how stupid the sixaxis is.. shuda stuck with the rumble from the beginning
wait so you guys want rumble now? From the beginning no one seemed to care about it, even downplaying it. lol i remember a poll in 06 when it showed 70%+ didn't care about the rumble feature, but seems like most ppl were lying.mushi799Its stil about the same. The people that don;t really miss it are the ones that don't complain abou it. They have no reason too well, because they don't care.
[QUOTE="longhorn7"][QUOTE="DarkGnome55"][QUOTE="longhorn7"][QUOTE="DarkGnome55"]it still has motion sensors. you just want to b!tch and moan about your purchase because for some reason you forgot that the new controllers with rumble have been known about for months. Technology advances, deal with it.welll sony tried to be innovative with the sixaxis and that was complete failure so now we have to buy new ones casue they just realized how stupid the sixaxis is.. shuda stuck with the rumble from the beginning
[QUOTE="longhorn7"][QUOTE="DarkGnome55"]it still has motion sensors. you just want to b!tch and moan about your purchase because for some reason you forgot that the new controllers with rumble have been known about for months. Technology advances, deal with it.welll sony tried to be innovative with the sixaxis and that was complete failure so now we have to buy new ones casue they just realized how stupid the sixaxis is.. shuda stuck with the rumble from the beginning
Actually no genius, the new rumble is a new technology developed by immersion. It has rumble in diferent places of the controller so that if your shot say on the left side the left side of your control rumbles.
sh*t happens. Same thing happened when the dual analog was introduced in the ps1 era. I'm not complaining.longhorn7
Yea, I remember when I played Ape escape for the first time. When the screen said "please insert Dual Shock" I was like =O. I had to go back and get a new controller just to play it.
[QUOTE="longhorn7"]sh*t happens. Same thing happened when the dual analog was introduced in the ps1 era. I'm not complaining.heyheydoh
Yea, I remember when I played Ape escape for the first time. When the screen said "please insert Dual Shock" I was like =O. I had to go back and get a new controller just to play it.
i lovew that game so much tho lol they need to release it on the psn. that would be great.My wife likes the rumble on the PS2 that we just gave to a family with three kids but I could always take or leave it. The same with the six axis. I do like the bluetooth though and I have an extra so there will have to be a good deal for me to replace them with the new controllers when they come out.
At the risk of sounding like i wanna start sh!t...which i dont but anyway
i dont know why everyone is upset... you cant honestly say that this was never going to happen.
i had a feeling so i held back from buying another one and just bought a cheap ass adapter at radioshack for multiplayer im still using the logitech ps2 one for warhawk. but im def gonna get one when its released
No surprises here. I expected new controllers to come eventually. That's why I never bought any additional controllers (I only have the one that came with the system).
I'm going to get at least one of these when they are released.
[QUOTE="longhorn7"]sh*t happens. Same thing happened when the dual analog was introduced in the ps1 era. I'm not complaining.heyheydoh
Yea, I remember when I played Ape escape for the first time. When the screen said "please insert Dual Shock" I was like =O. I had to go back and get a new controller just to play it.
I pee'd my pants when Psycho Mantis told me to plug my controller into port 2, place it on the ground and then made it shake. Hideo.
You really need to know what you're talking about before you post a thread.welll sony tried to be innovative with the sixaxis and that was complete failure so now we have to buy new ones casue they just realized how stupid the sixaxis is.. shuda stuck with the rumble from the beginning
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