I'm curious to know what differences have you noticed from both systems?
Framerate barely manages to stay above 30fps during some cutscenes, the textures are a bit murkier, colors a bit less saturated and load times can kill.
...this is in the final version, I mean.
The load times in the demo are pretty short compared to the final game.
Looking at the cutscenes further, I do notice a bit of a slowdown, especially in the scene where Bayonetta stops running and encounters the first few angels. I did also notice that the textures don't look too good up close, Bayonetta looks fine up close, but I wouldn't say so for the grass and bars. If Sony can make it at least equal to the 360 version, good... But I prefer it being better which I know won't happen.I'm glad that there is improvment on the loading times for the NA version, hopefully Sony can improve what is necessary for this game.
Word on the Platinum boards is Sony's going to put in a mandatory install, so hopefully that comes to fruition.
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