The biggest difference imo is that 99% of the JRPGs are party based, while 99% of WRPGs are solo based. Thats also a difference between western and eastern cultures, where East prefers group work and westerners prefer doing things alone. kenshinhimura10
I don't believe that westerners prefer being alone necessarily. Star Wars: KotoR and Mass Effect had party-systems, and Diablo & WoW both encourage teaming up with other players.
What differentiates Western RPGs is that they allow players more freedom. The main character is typically a unique avatar created by the player. Their abilities, traits and statistics can then be manipulated and customized during the course of the game. But most importantly, branching storylines, alternate endings, and extremely varied approaches to combat allow players' choices to drastically affect the outcome of the story and the way the game is played.
I started by playing JRPGs like Pokemon and Final Fantasy and fell in love with FF7 and Chrono Trigger/Cross, but ever since FFX I've begun to lose interest in JRPGs. They simply don't hold my interest the way games like KotoR, Oblivion, Mass Effect, Fable, Bioshock and Fallout 3 (when it releases -- I can't wait!).
JRPGs on the other hand, are very linear affairs, and in that sense they can deliver a more focused story. However, if the player isn't drawn into the game's plot or doesn't care about the characters (like FFXII for me) then the story loses its impact. It's the consequences or rewards for my choices that suck me into a game. Choosing to save or destroy the Little Sisters in Bioshock, or deciding which of your teammates in Mass Effect will die -- these choices make me care about the story far more than the death of a certain flower-girl at the hands of a certain gray-haired baddie.
There was a time when all I knew of RPGs was Pokemon and Final Fantasy and I never thought anything would surpass them. But as I've grown more mature, I simply don't enjoy JRPGs anymore. I'm hoping to like FF XIII when it eventually comes out, but I seriously doubt I'll enjoy any JRPG as much as I enjoyed Mass Effect or Oblivion.
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