Hey, for the most of this generation I have been an xbox360 player however in July I finally took the plunge and picked up a ps3.
Since then I have played through most of the exclusives on the console and loved all them!
However i have always avoided the multiplayer on them due to them either being older games or the fact I have literally no friends on playstation :smileyvery-happy:
This wasnt a problem before as i always had my 360 for that but now I've taken the second plunge and pre ordered myself a ps4. So basically i could really do with having some people to play with online aha.
I'm 20 years old , Male and from the South Coast of England. I play a wide variety of games including pretty much every big title but my main genre is FPS shooters. At present I have battlefield 4 on the playstation 3 but plan to upgrade this to four on release day. I also have shadow fall pre ordered :).
Ps3 games include:
killzone 2, 3 (Fell in love with this series and filled the hole in my heart that Gears of war left :L)
Uncharted 1 , 2 , 3 ( I now consider this series to be the best ever made aha I adore the gameplay stories and characters in each and every one of them. With 2 being in my opinion the best game i have ever played :) )
Beyond two souls ( Really enjoy this but felt the ending was missing something...)
Heavy Rain ( only an hour into this and finding it a bit slow....)
Battlefield 4 (loving the online here but currently hating the ps3 controls and controller sorry to angry you lovely folks but you cant beat a 360 control set up for this game on the consoles)
(loved all 3 of these games :) lovely little masterpieces. Journey is a game I'm constantly recommending it was an experience i shall never forget)
Infamous 1 + 2 ( sitting in its packaging aha one day)
God of war collection (slowly working my way through this series )
spec ops the line
payday 1
Vita Games:
Killzone Merceny
lego LOTR
+ loads of other little ones
Oh sod it I cant be bothered to right anymore aha So this concludes what looks like my PS3 dating profile ;)
So if you fancy playing some games hit me up :)
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