[QUOTE="jayd02"]If a lack of ram is the problem then they need to work around that and make it faster. I don't know much about this kind of stuff but from what I can see the system tries to load everything at one time which slows it down. If they could make the XMB just load a few things at one time then maybe it could be faster. They could also redesign the system to work with less ram. It is their system and they do know it best so they should know how to speed it up. I hope they don't change it because I also like it but I would like it to move faster.Orpheus_Evo
So, what you're asking for is that they make a NEW PS3. It's the only way they could add some RAM.
Redesign the system to work with less RAM it's virtually impossible... if anything, if there's an update it will use MORE RAM, because the "modern" idea is that a cool inteface is something with a lot of "bang!" and that kind of thing will mean more memory usage to load up more garbage.
I don't know how they could implement the XMB`s loading of only a few things at a time... when you boot up your PC, your OS pretty much loads EVERYTHING at start up... if not, the loading process would never end (i.e. it'll take forever).
What they actually COULD DO is make the In-Game Menu (the one that opens when you press and hold the PS button) more useful. For example, adding the ability to send messages from there, with a direct option, and not force you to go looking for the Message Box. And then making THAT menu THE ONLY THING that's loaded when you simply press the PS button. That menu is basically nothing for the RAM, so that thing could actually load and behave like an instant menu. THAT would make my year. :)
The only other thing I would like is the option to be able to REMOVE CATEGORIES. Like, for instance, if I don't use the "Music" Category, I should be able to take it from my XMB, to make it more...tight...and not having to endure a useless category up there for nothing.
I am pretty sure they could redesign the system to use less RAM for a program that THEY MADE ON THEIR ON CONSOLE. I never said that they needed to make a new PS3 either. What you said would practically fix many problems that comes with hitting the ps button on the controller. If you read what many people are posting on this forum and hundreds of others are that they don't want anything flashy they want something that is fast. I like xmb because it is simple and it isn't a hassle to run through things just to play games. Look what many 360 users are complaining about with thier dashboard now.
Sony is a big company and I am pretty sure that if they can program a TV to have a UI and that be fast, then I am pretty sure that they can redesign XMB and make it a little faster to get through.
Also the thing about the computers loading up. The computers only load up what it needs to load up at start not everything. When I turn on my laptop my music player, word documents, web browser, and my last game of solitare don't just pop up when I hit the power button and it gets down loading. I can also change what loads up at start.
To me is isn't that big of a problem. On a list of priorites that I would set up for Sony it would be second to last if not last. The first being making more exclusive games. We have tons but I am greedy and just want more.
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