I just installed Yellowdog Linux on my PS3, and everything is working perfectly except my internet. I'm trying to set up Wireless Internet on the Network Configuration, But when I try, It won't activate. I've done the step by step tutorials Terrasoft Solutions provided, But they aren't working. Any input fellas? Also, I just bought an awesome $150 Bluetooth Keyboard and Mouse Set and I need help on how to get them working on the YDL OS. I have a second Wireless USB Keyboard with touchpad I'm using atm, But I'd rather use the bluetooth.... Help!
On the wireless, from what I recall, you go to the internet settings and disable the eth01 that it defaults to. Then you go to add connection, and in the options it will have wireless. The guides are pretty straightforward, I didn't have any problems.
Well, Like I said, I followed the instructions Terrasoft Solutions Provided, And I'm still unable to connect. I even manually put the IP Address, Subnet Masks, and both 1st and second DNS addys in. It activated the connection, But I still cannot access the internet. This is not a bad copy of linux, as I bought it straight from Terrasoft Solutions.
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