100% Direct quotes from my GameStop trip last night:
Employee: Good evening kind sir (Me: **snicker**), what can I help you with?
Me: Umm, Ok? Can I preorder the new Metal Gear?
Employee: Fantastic! And what system would you like that on?
Me: .....................................
Employee: Sir? System?
Me: Um, I'll take it on the Wii?
Employee: **Click, click, click (computer sounds)** Im sorry kind sir (yes, that was the second "kind sir". It doesn't appear to be releasing for some time under the Wii. Is the 360 OK?
Me: Yes please (**snicker again**). I'll take it on the 360.
Employee: **Click, click, click (computer sounds)** Well thats strange! I dont think you can preorder it for the 360. Well, if you have a PS3 it says it comes out next Thursday.
Me: Well then, I guess I'll just get it for my PS3. Thanks for all your help.
Employee: No problem kind sir (third). Glad I could help.
Me: Do you have any Excedrin behind that register?
Employee: No sir, I'm sorry.
Me: Thats ok. Thanks again.
Now I'm no expert at all when it comes to video games. I play games about 2-5 hours a week and only own one system. Even my wife (who knows nothing of video games what-so-ever), we both know that MGS is a Sony thing and only Sony. How the hell can a GameStop employee (whose job it is to know games) not know that MGS was Sony exclusive? I mean the Wii? COME ON!
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