One thing that I always illusioned myself in seeing from the Playstation 3 and Xbox360. Was the quality of graphics that the games were going to look; almost, or near photorealistic.
I remember first seeing this screenshot from that Oblivion game, for the 360, when it was first released. It was a picture of this forrest, showing off how the leaves and trees looked. But, i felt kind of disappointed that this isn't what i was imagining. If you gave a second look to the image. You can tell that it was generated by a computer, or in other words, it aint what i was expecting.
Then, when i first saw that MGS4 trailer. I was shocked how great this game looked. Snaked looked so real, so, movie like. I actually got so hyped up with this game graphics. But, sadly, when the real screen shots of the game finally came out. Everything didn't looked as realistic as i expected to be. Everything looked like...a video game, not like a movie.
I mean, when you look at the ground in the latest screens of the game. You can tell that the game makers just made one layer of painting, then distorted the shape of it to make it more "ground type" of feel.
Look for yourself
Everything seems like a wallpaper. I mean, it's like you pick a wall in your house, put a wallpaper that resembles bricks, or wood. And there you have a wall made out of Bricks or wood. But when you look real close, you can still see it's fake. That's what i feel when i look at every game on the 360 and PS3. (I still laugh on how EA sports made a big ass deal on how that NFL game was going to look sooo realistic. But when the game came out, it looked like crap.)
I mean, even that Grand Turismo game. REALLY nice looking cars. But the road, the grass, EVEN THE PIT CREW look like low polygon count. Even in fight night round 3 for the PS3. Aw man, good character models. But, what the hell?? When you see their face all screwed up, the skin texture is clearly seen that it's being stretched out and blurred. The way their animation is. Their way their facial expresion is..
Makes it all look all...not real. Even though they are trying to pull that Realistic Effect.
All in all, i'm quite disappointed in this "new generation" of gaming.
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