Damn Movie games! I just rented Spiderman3 and Pirates of the caribean last night for ps3 and was very disappointed. Spiderman has great potential ands is not that bad of a game but can be a AAA if they would have worked on it a little longer. I dont see the point in giving these types of games release dates that coincide with the movie if its not ready yet. You can tell Activision didnt have enough time to really work this game. Framrate is horrible and the Controls are sloppy gelopy. I dont even want to say how bad the ps2 type graphics were. Oh and the horrible voice acting! If those would have be worked on more this game could have been a 9.1 .
Pirates was even worse.This could have great potential as well. I dont knowwhat the corporate logic is by releasing games prematurly and make decent money, Or really work the game out, wait a few more months, geta great rating, plusgreat credability, and make a boat load of more money than decent.that really grinds my freakin gears!!!
Anyways keep rockin your PS3! Our time is comingcloser.
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