I want to know what the people on the forum think is the better game.
I got Rock Band 2 first. I was amazed by the excellent setlist, and awesome career mode. The attention to detail is awesome as well. And I love the fact that all the songs I downloaded and the songs I exported from RB1 are integrated into the single world tour mode. The campaign has cool twists and turns with the ability to play certain sets with certain terms earning you more money or fans. I am veeeery pleased with RB2
GH WT on the other hand was very lackluster IMO. The setlist LOOKS great, but the songs are not fun to play. They are mostly classic rock and top 40 stuff, which is no fun IMO. The only songs I really enjoyed playing were the Tool songs.The customization was pretty cool. The song creator sucks. All the songs sound like crappy midi files from an 80's Casio, and there's a 3 minute length cap on all songs. How lame. It seemed that the creators of World Tour seemed to be content on choosing a bunch of popular songs without testing them to see if they are actually fun to play. And they seem to want to plug the hell out of KFC, Line 6, and a ton of other sponsors at every turn. The career mode sucks as well. Play 2-3 songs, then be forced to play an encore, EVERY SINGLE TIME.
All in all, I think Rock Band 2 kicks Guitar Hero World Tour's ass.
What do you guys think?
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