These are all game i own and will one day play. You could see why my wife barks at me for buying more than i can play lol.
17 plats done, 46 im working on, 63 possible with my collection
Final Fantasy 13 8/10 (Very time consuming, but was well worth it in the end)
Borderlands - 5/10 (towards the end it was just a grind to get to 50, rest wasn't so bad)
Modern Warfare 2 (7/10) (those spec ops were tough, but i had fun with a friend doing them)
Wolverine - Origins 5/10 (this wasn't so bad, for the really hard parts, i used cheats)
Madagascar Kartz 4/10 (My wife wanted this and we did the trophies together, pain in the ass)
Alone in the Dark (4/10) (for the most part this was easy and fun to do)
UP (1/10) (This game was really easy, but i enjoyed it)
Lord of the Rings : Conquest (3/10) (I could not imagine getting the online trophies without boosting, even though now this is gold since its impossible to plat this game now)
Uncharted : Drake's Fortune (6/10) (This wasn't so bad, crushing was a challenge of will and patience)
Trivia Pursuit (1/10) (won't lie i got this cheap and saw a easy plat, had fun googling answers though hehe)
Hanna Montana (1/10) (easy plat all the way, no shame here)
Dante's Inferno (4/10) (This was actually very easy, but really fun as well)
Godfather 2 (4/10) (This is one of the funniest games ive ever played, i could plat this twice if possible)
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (3/10) (I first got it so i could play some old games without an emulator, then i saw how easy it was to plat so i went for it)
Terminator Salvation (2/10) (This wasn't that bad, just too simple)
WWE Legends of Wrestlemania (4/10) (Rented this cause it looked fun and trophies seemed easy enough)
God of War 3 (finished FF13, now its next)
Heavy Rain (just need to get back on it)
Sonic and Sega All-Star Racing (me and wife love this, very fun game to try and plat)
Burnout Paradise (need a webcam)
Brutal Legends (need boost for online)
Batman AA (need to beat Hard, finish collectibles)
Little Big Planet (need hearts)
Dark Void (Just need to finish game, not bad actually)
Demon Souls's (beat it once and put it down, but one day all i go back and finish all the crafts to plat)
Killzone 2 (IDK, seems impossible)
Dirt 2 (working on it)
Red Faction Guerilla (i play online some, but it seems endless, not sure online will be alive by the time i finish)
Infamous (just need to get on it, so much to play)
Bionic Commando (need to get on it)
Prince of Persia (need to get on it)
Bayonetta (need to get on it)
Blazeblue (will take some time, but i enjoy this type of genre i juts need to work on it)
Assassin's Creed 2 (half way done, seems easy enough)
Star Wars :Force Unleashed (need to work on it)
Midnight Club : Los Angeles (same, need to work on it)
God of War 1/2 (Need to finish GOW3 then these)
Dead Space (just never got around to it)
Uncharted 2 (need to get started on it, waited till i plat the first)
Fallout 3 (just need to do it)
Sacred 2 (idk seems pretty long, not sure i got it in me)
Sonic: Unleashed (maybe)
Rock Band 2 (usually play this with friends is all)
Trine (one day)
Far Cry 2 ( i read this one is tough, so maybe)
Bioshock 2 (played it once just need to get on it)
GTA 4 (not sure i want to give this a go or not)
Disgaea 3 (i love this game, but geez it needs alot to plat)
C&C Red Alert 3 (love this just need to play it some)
Tomb Raider : Underworld (just gotta get to it
Darksiders (just need to get on it)
Skate 2 (idk)
Unreal Tournament 3 (i will have this one day, loved 04 too much)
White Knight Chronicles (yes i will one day)
Matt Hazard (not played yet)
Star Wars Clone Wars (not played yet)
Fuel (not played yet)
X-Blades (not played yet)
Wanted : Weapons of Fate (not played yet)
SAW (Not played yet)
Mini Ninjas (not played yet)
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