1. Metal Gear Solid 4 (PO)
2. LittleBigPlanet (PO)
3. Final Fantasy XIII (For people saying this won't come out even in '09, I don't think you realize that it would have been out this year (JP) if they were not trying for a worldwide release date. I would expect FFXIII around May '09 and FFVXIII around September '09. Remember that the JP release dates were rarely delayed in the past.) (PO)
4. Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PO)
5. White Knight Chronicles (While I like what I've seen so far, I am not floored by it. However, it's by Level5, so that alone puts it in my top 5)
Others that could move up the list: God of War 3 (once I see something on the game, I'm sure it will jump up near the top), Disgaea 3, Valkyrie Chronicles, Resistance 2 (PO), Killzone 2 (PO), inFamous, ICO game (doubt it will be '09, but can hope), Uncharted 2 (if it comes), R&C F:ToD 2 (if it comes), Wardevil (from what the devs are going for, this could be a serious dark horse), Gran Turismo 5, Star Ocean 4 (if it's a ps3 exclusvie, and if it's '09), etc. others I'm probably forgetting.
Non-exclusives: Resident Evil 5, Fallout 3, Prototype, Bioshock 2 (if it's '09 and if it comes to ps3, like I think it will), The Last Remnant, ect. others I'm probably forgetting.
(*games with a (PO) next to them means I have already pre-ordered them ;) )
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