The killstreaks can be really annoying. (getting completely destroyed by a chopper gunner is no fun)
The killstreaks are awkwardly placed. (EMP at 15 kills seems mean, 8 would be better)
The maps are either really good or really suck (Example-Afghan-great---Underpass-bad)
The M16 is very cheap because of the accuracy and 1 shot burst kill.
Dual Wielding shotguns is the most annoying thing I might have ever encountered. They have a better range and x2 the shots firing at you than a normal shotty.
I think level 70 is high. I don't want to prestige since it took so long to get there.
Dual Wielding P90 is evil. They fire so fast, are so accurate, and the 50 round clips x2 make is 100.
Deathstreaks? Painkiller I hate
Everything else is great. It's a very addicting game and is superb but the annoying multiplayer quirks make it annoying. I love how there is not frag x3, the better graphics, picking killstreaks is great though it has it's faults. The single-player I loved and is action packed. The twist I could not believe but it was awesome. The spec-ops is great, taking the best parts the game and beating them with a friend.
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