@eoten said:
@SUD123456 said:
@eoten said:
@MirkoS77 said:
If Trumpsters weren’t such gullible, conspiracy-believing tools to begin with, I may have a bigger problem with this.
Isn’t QAnon about a ring of Satan worshipping Deepstate pedos trying to bring Trump down? 😂 Only Trump supporters would hold objection to removing such laughable nonsense from the web.
Really? You people thought Trump called soldiers losers because some two-bit hack writer for the Atlanta claimed he had a source that said so. Despite never naming that source and later admitting the story is likely false, people on these boards STILL believe it. And what about all this crap about Trump being much sicker and in much serious condition than he let on? Turned out to be bullcrap now, didn't it? I think CNN/NBC was pushing that one.
Do you really want to talk about gullible, conspiracy-believing tools? I object to any major corporations holding about 95% of the market share of online information having the power to dictate who is allowed to see, read, or say what.
That isn't even a reasonably close comparison. MSM get a lot of things wrong, but your examples are not conspiracy theories. Those are stories that exist for a day, two, a week...and reasonable people can be on opposite sides of their meaning, intent, relevancy, accuracy. There are no reasonable people that believe in QAnon. The entire premise is based on idiocy and fantasy combined.
Dude, CNN was caught organizing a fucking protest. That's not "getting it wrong." That's fabricating propaganda. Many of what CNN "gets wrong" is intentionally so. It's not by mistake that they push complete shit. They're no better than QAnon. But to put it in perspective you could understand as you seem to think your side is infallible simply for telling you what you want to hear. What if Alex Jones owned facebook, still controlled most the market share of information shared online, and make the declaration that the company was going to start picking and choosing what you get to see and read? Would you be all for it even if he promised it'd only be those he deemed conspiracy theories?
The fact is you're putting a small group of people in charge of 95% of the information spread worldwide. If you think that's a good thing, then you're probably a lot more pro-fascist than you would like to admit.
The 1A exists to protect people from an environment where one group controls information. Not surprising the group who thinks the constitution is entirely outdated would jump and cheer over the idea of a small group controlling the information... if they believed that group was actually on their side. QAnon is just the low hanging fruit used to set the precedent. Do not think it won't be expanded on further, later. Likely encompassing things you actually believe in. Like a particular third party candidate, or ideal not consistent with the party line.
Your argument is a slippery slope fallacy. There is no reason to believe that this action will destroy free speech and the exchange of ideas.
Indeed, I submit that failure to take these actions is what will destroy the thing you wish to protect. With widespread, near instantaneous distribution of pure BS and fantasy, combined with AI and deep fakes, society will have to find a middle ground to address the issue.
As for QAnon, there is zero public interest in protecting this speech. They believe that a conspiracy of Satan worshipping pedophiles, operating an international sex trafficking ring, exists for the purposes of overthrowing Trump. Say that out loud 10 times.
There is a reason your rights aren't absolute and this is one of them. Failure to come up with a middle ground is going to make future society dysfunctional.
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