@Serraph105 said:
I kind of wish it was a straight up scam and no one was getting their money back. My heart definitely does not go out to people who send their money to create a monument to their own xenophobia.
The purpose of the wall is to prevent illegal immigration and encourage legal migration. Under Trump's administration we still have legal migration to America, this is not xenophobic.
Illegal crossings are dangerous to migrants and border patrol agents. Many migrants have died trying to cross over illegally, especially children. Lots of border patrol agents have also been killed.
America does not have open borders with Mexico because that country has a huge drug and crime problem.
I'm a former Democrat, but I still care about you. I strongly recommend you make better arguments. Comments like yours damages the credibility of your political party.
Here is objective evidence proving that a wall is effective at deterring illegal immigration: https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2017/feb/13/ron-johnson/border-fence-israel-cut-illegal-immigration-99-per/ - Border fence in Israel cut illegal immigration by 99 percent, GOP senator says
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