@Maroxad said:
Wow, what a tragedy. 400 injured now too :(
Condolenses to those affected. I hope all those injured get a speedy recovery without any complications.
@tjandmia said:
Yeah, let's not focus on tools. Let's keep pretending that it's not the guns. That seems to be working just wonderfully, if your goal is to be the most gun violent country in the modern world. Funny how other modern Nations with normal gun laws and 1/10 the guns have gun violence rates hundreds of times lower.
Just remember - this has nothing to do with the guns! This guy could just have easily knifed 500 people from his second floor hotel room window...
And this post right here is why I hate ideologues.
This is a reoccurring problem that has been ignored or shifted around to satisfy the right-wing fanatics who believe that the government is "bout to get 'em" never mind that these same fanatics support the militarization of our police and growing the military to satisfy their wet dreams of invading every little country that looks at them cross-eyed.
This is a problem. This is a problem that has occurred over and over that has resulted in the deaths of friends, families and loved ones in places that they should feel safe, whether it's a concert, a workplace, a place of worship or a place of learning. You had kids getting shot in Sandy Hook. You had office workers getting shot in San Bernardino. You had black church-goers shot by some white supremacist in South Carolina. And now we're here with one of the worst massacres to occur in U.S. history with 50+ dead and 400 wounded and the response to this is, "Oh, what a tragedy. Thoughts and prayers to the families" by immoral politicians and assholes who live in their ivory towers, pretending that this is an isolated event and that guns solve everything, that the victims should have been armed. Or that they should not have "gun-free" zones. Or because law enforcement is "politically correct" in their response, nevermind that they arrived on scene with armored cars and SWAT teams.
Forget the reason why these assholes did it. It all boils down to one thing: Easy access to guns. It's not guns, just "easy access" to guns. The concert-goers could have been armed and it would have been irrelevant. The asshole shooter was in a high-rise building that granted him cover and a position to pick them off. Oh wait, some of the access was illegal? So what? When you have guns circulating around this country, with little to no enforcement from the authorities, it's still "access."
I get it. No one wants to politicize a problem so that they don't appear as if they want to gain something out of this. If this was an isolated event, I would maybe agree with you but this isn't the case. From the massacre in high school, a theater, a church, a concert, an office building, a temple, one must wonder if these are all isolated events or a cancer that this country continues to neglect because we are caving into the ideologues of fanatics. But if dead kids who went to school to learn, get sick and tired of learning and eagerly wait for recess can't convince anyone that we have a problem, why would the deaths of 50 people who went to a concert to listen to some country music convince an ideologue who firmly believes in their archaic views?
Now who is the ideologue?
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